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Mehr tote Zivilisten


Die letzten verfügbaren, zuverlässigen Zahlen über die Zahl der getöteten Zivilisten in Afghanistan stammen aus dem Sommer 2011. Nach dem Bericht der Unama gibt es einen Anstieg von 20 Prozent. In dem Bericht steht zu lesen

The protection of civilians remained a critical concern over the reporting
period. UNAMA documented 2,950 conflict-related civilian casualties (including
1,090 deaths and 1,860 injuries of Afghan civilians), an increase of 20 per cent
compared to the same period in 2010. Anti-Government elements were linked to
2,361 civilian casualties (80 per cent of the total number of civilian casualties),
while pro-Government forces were responsible for 292 civilian casualties (10 per
cent of the total number). The remaining 10 per cent could not be attributed. The
rise in civilian casualties, following the Taliban’s announcement of a spring offensive
on 30 April, was due in part to an expansion in the operations of anti-Government
elements and pro-Government forces throughout the country, particularly in the
north and in the regions bordering Pakistan.