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Isa Leshkos „Elderly Animals“


Die Fotografin Isa Leshko fotografiert für ihr Projekt Elderly Animals Tiere, die kurz vor dem Tod stehen. Das wirkt zwar auf den ersten Blick traurig und morbide, zeigt aber letztlich nur die Realität, die alle Tierbesitzer eines Tages einholt. Leshko selbst sagt über das Projekt:

„I am creating these photographs to gain a deeper understanding about what it means to be mortal and to exorcise my fears of aging. I have come to realize that these images are self-portraits, or at the very least, they are manifestations of my fears and hopes about what I will be like when I am old. My intention is to take an honest and unflinching look at old age and I want these images to inspire others to become aware of and to engage with their own attitudes toward aging and mortality.“
