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Bill McKibben´s Mathematikstunde zur Erderwärmung


In den USA sorgte sein Text im Rolling Stones für Furore. Der US-Klimaaktivist BillMcKibben rechnet dort sehr verständlich durch, was passiert, wenn wir so weiter machen wie bisher, egal, ob bei der Ölförderung oder der verfehlten Klimapolitik. Hier ein Auszug:

2,795 Gigatons: This number is the scariest of all – one that, for the first time, meshes the political and scientific dimensions of our dilemma. It was highlighted last summer by the Carbon Tracker Initiative, a team of London financial analysts and environmentalists who published a report in an effort to educate investors about the possible risks that climate change poses to their stock portfolios. The number describes the amount of carbon already contained in the proven coal and oil and gas reserves of the fossil-fuel companies, and the countries (think Venezuela or Kuwait) that act like fossil-fuel companies. In short, it’s the fossil fuel we’re currently planning to burn. And the key point is that this new number – 2,795 – is higher than 565. Five times higher.

In seiner aktuellen Ausgabe bringt das Greenpeace Magazin übrigens eine deutsche Version.