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Sanktionen gegen Iran schüren Antiamerikanismus


Ein iranischer Geschäftsmann beschreibt eindrucksvoll auf Iranian.com seine bitteren Erfahrungen mit den Sanktionen gegen den Iran. Er fürchtet, dass sie die Amerikafreundlichkeit der iranischen Bevölkerung bald unterminieren könnten – und die Gesellschaft an die verhassten Mullahs ketten.
1979: Botschaftsbesetzer in Teheran verbrennen die US-Flagge. Heute ist die Mehrheit im Iran pro-amerikanisch, nicht zuletzt, weil die Mullahs gegen Amerika hetzen

Schlüsselzitat aus dem Kommentar:

I am an Iranian businessman who started from scratch and worked hard for the past four decades. I have the responsibility of taking care of more than 500 families who work in my manufacturing plants. In the past few months after the U.S. involvement in putting pressure against Iran, my business went down like many many others.

Two months ago after the U.S. treasury department implemented sanctions against Sepah Bank, many of my transactions with the west came to a halt. We badly needed materials and some spare parts but somehow had great difficulty importing them from our various sources in Europe. Now we hear the news of even more possible financial sanctions in the near future. In that case I have to close down most of my businesses and wait for the dark future that the blue-eyed Americans have in store for us.

More than 500 of my employees will soon be out of jobs and their families who greatly depend on their incomes will be hungry. I am not the only one who has to do this and I personally know scores of small and big businesses which cannot survive without continuous transactions with the outside world. Soon after blocking the transaction of Iranian banks with the outside world, hundreds of thousands of people will be out of jobs and millions will be affected.

Do you think the jobless people will take to the street and topple the regime? If so, you do not have an inkling about this country and nation. I have saved enough money to help my family survive and have a comfortable life in case of any possible happening, so I am not worried about myself. The thing is I could not look into the eyes of my employees when I have to tell them they have to stop coming to work because a number of stupid, illogical and virtually illiterate people in the U.S. Treasury Department have decided to implement more sanctions on Iranian banks.

Any American who has ever traveled to this country would testify a total lack of hostility toward his compatriots in Iran. Iranians are the one and only friends left for the USA in the region and maybe in the world. I have not seen very many pro Amercians among my European friends either. I have lived among Arabs for such a long time and I know the degree of their hatred and resentment toward Americans. But this will not be forever.

American sanctions will eventually show their true nature to the Iranian youths who would love to watch American films and visit the USA just for the heck of it.