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Iranischer Jude wird Bürgermeister von Beverly Hills


Jimmy Jamshid Delshad, ein persischstämmiger Jude, ist der neue Bürgermeister von Beverley Hills.
Hier sieht man den „Persianator“ mit dem österreichischstämmigen „Governator“.

Ein Interview aus der immer wieder witzigen jüdischen Zeitschrift Jewcy

„What was it like for you, being here, during the 1979 revolution in Iran?

It was very tough because I was looked down on. It didn’t matter if I was a Jew or a Muslim — they looked at me only as a Persian. I wore an American flag pin for years so everyone would see that I was proud to be an American. I shaved my moustache and my beard, so I won’t look like some of them. I wanted people to feel comfortable knowing me. My first name was Jamshid in Farsi, so I added Jimmy. So they’d be more friendly. It was very difficult for a long time.

Would you go back to Iran?

Not to stay. I tried to go back for a visit to take my wife and kids, but I lived in Israel when I was 16, so it was very difficult to go back to Iran because that hatred for Israel remains. If the regime changes, I would be happy to go back and visit. I would love to.

There’s talk now that maybe the U.S. will bomb Iran. What do you think?

I’m not in favor of another war. I don’t think it’s good for America or Iran. But I think the situation can be handled through moratoriums and divestments from Iran’s businesses. I proposed divestment of all of our money from any companies that invest in Iran — European or anything — that are in the nuclear sector. And that proposal was passed by state of California, by the senate and the assembly; the governor signed it. I was the only mayor who promoted that.“

Amerika. Großartig. Ich liebe es. God bless.