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Und dann sagen sie, der Westen sei dekadent


In Abu Dhabi ist ein Auto-Nummernschild für 14 Millionen Dollar versteigert worden. Dies ist nicht nur eine kuriose Geschichte. Solche Dinge muss man sich vor Augen halten, wenn man verstehen will, warum junge Männer aus diesen Ländern ihrem Leben einen Sinn zu geben versuchen, indem sie in den Dschihad ziehen (Quelle):

ABU DHABI, (AP)- A license plate with nothing but the number „1“ on it went for a record $14 million at a charity auction Saturday.

Saeed Khouri, a member of a wealthy Abu Dhabi family, wouldn’t say how many automobiles he owned or which of them might carry the record-breaking single-digit plate.

„I bought it because it’s the best number,“ said Khouri, whose family made its fortune in real estate. „I bought it because I want to be the best in the world.“

The oil-rich UAE began auctioning off vanity license plates last May.

Ordinary automobile license plates issued to drivers here — and even most other vanity series plates — carry both Arabic and Western numerals and script, defining the issuing city and country.

Khouri’s plate, however, has only the Western numeral and no letters.

The record sale surpassed the $6.8 million that was paid for an Emirati license plate at an earlier auction with the Western number 5 on it — also without Arabic numerals or letters.

Proceeds from the auctions, which are held in a lavish hotel here, go to a rehabilitation center for victims of traffic accidents.

On Saturday, 90 license plates were auctioned off in all, raising a total of $24 million. The previous five such events raised more than $50 million.

Dazu fällt mir diese große Szene ein aus dem Film „Syriana“, in dem Matt Damon einem arabischen Prinzen sagt, was er wirklich von ihm hält. Der macht ihn darauf zu seinem Berater: