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Iran trainiert Hamas-Kämpfer


Dies enthüllt ein Bericht der Londoner Times vom Wochenende, in dem sich ein Hamas-Kommandant so zitieren läßt:

Speaking on the record but withholding his identity as a target of Israeli forces, the commander, who has a sparse moustache and oiled black hair, said Hamas had been sending fighters to Iran for training in both field tactics and weapons technology since Israeli troops pulled out of the Gaza strip of Palestinian territory in 2005. Others go to Syria for more basic training.

“We have sent seven ‘courses’ of our fighters to Iran,” he said. “During each course, the group receives training that he will use to increase our capacity to fight.”

The most promising members of each group stay longer for an advanced course and return as trainers themselves, he said.

So far, 150 members of Qassam have passed through training in Tehran, where they study for between 45 days and six months at a closed military base under the command of the elite Revolutionary Guard force.

Die schiitische Republik Iran hat mit ihrer Unterstützung von Hisbollah und Hamas den arabischen Regimen de facto die Souveränität aus der Hand genommen, über Krieg und Frieden mit Israel zu entscheiden. Ein größerer strategischer Wandel im Nahen Osten.