So sieht es jedenfalls bisher aus, wenn man die Reaktionen in Afghanistan zugrundelegt – einmal der tagelange Demo-Rausch wegen der Koranverbrennungen vor einigen Wochen, und ein andermal die relative Ruhe nach dem Massaker des amerikanischen Soldaten an ganzen Familien.
Rod Nordland geht in seinem Stück für die New York Times dieser Frage nach.
“How can you compare the dishonoring of the Holy Koran with the martyrdom of innocent civilians?” said an incredulous Mullah Khaliq Dad, a member of the council of religious leaders who investigated the Koran burnings. “The whole goal of our life is religion.”
That many Americans are just as surprised that what appears to be the massacre of 16 people at the hands of an American soldier has not led to mass protests or revenge killings speaks volumes about a fundamental disconnect with their Afghan partners, one that has undermined a longstanding objective to win the hearts and minds of the population. After more than 10 years, many deaths and billions of dollars invested, Americans still fail to grasp the Afghans’ basic values. Faith is paramount and a death can be compensated with blood money.
“To Muslims, and especially to Afghans, religion is much higher a concern than civilian or human casualties,” said Hafez Abdul Qayoom, a member of Afghanistan’s highest clerical body, the Ulema Council. “When something happens to their religion, they are much more sensitive and have much stronger reaction to it.”
The attack by a still unidentified United States Army soldier near his base in the Panjwai district, in southern Kandahar Province, has certainly infuriated Afghans and added to already strained relations. But the anger has been more polemical than violent — at least so far.
Hoffen wir, dass es auch so bleibt. Allerdings stellt sich auch hier wieder die Frage, ob es sinnvoll ist (war), mit der stärksten Armee der Welt in einem Land mit derart anderen Vorstellungen von Ehre, Schuld und Sühne derart lange Zeit zu vebringen in der Hoffnung, einen Wandel zu bewirken. Ob man sich, kurz gesagt, nicht besser schon früher auf Terrorbekämpfung bzw. Containment und Entwicklungshilfe hätte beschränken sollen.
Spilt milk.