Islamonline hat neben „Livin Sharia“ nun eine neue Sektion namens „Living Islam“, die sich speziell an Konvertiten richtet und drängende Fragen beantwortet:
Soll ich weiter meine Eltern zu Weihnachten besuchen?
Wo darf ich als Muslima baden?
Ist Bergsteigen haram?
Interessant auch diese Fatwa zum Valentinstag: Wenn so etwas nötig ist, dann steht es um die Reinheit des Glaubens offenbar nicht so gut. Zitat:
Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned. Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.
Hence, we Muslims ought not to follow in the footsteps of such innovations and superstitions that are common in what is known as the Valentine’s Day. No doubt that there are many irreligious practices that occur on that day, and those practices are capable of dissuading people from the true meanings of love and altruism to the extent that the celebration is reduced to a moral decline.
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