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Die Tragödie des Irak sollte Muslimen zu denken geben


Der iranische Journalist Ahmad Zaidabadi stört sich an der Schadenfreude, mit der über Amerikas Probleme im Irak berichtet wird. Es sei viel zu oberflächlich, das irakische Desaster bloss auf Amerika zu beziehen, schreibt er. In der Gewalt der heutigen Irak komme auch der „fürchterliche Zustand der islamischen Welt“ zum Vorschein, meint Zaidabadi:

In my opinion, however, the tragedy of Iraq, more than being a sign of America’s defeat, is a revelation of a deep ethical and intellectual decline among some of the Muslims in their confrontation with the modern world.

I do not want to comment on the rightness or wrongness of America’s attack on Iraq, because there are many reasons for and against this attack, in terms of its long-term consequences on the development of the Middle East. But the tragedies that are going on in Iraq today transcend America’s attack, and we the Muslims have a responsibility to think more deeply about it – that is, if there is enough space left to think in the illogical and violent atmosphere that dominates the Islamic world.


No doubt, sooner or later, if not in a conspiracy or coup, Saddam would have died from natural causes, and Iraq would have been suddenly released from the domination of his dreadful security apparatus.

It is very hard to imagine a peaceful and non-violent transfer of power after Saddam’s death; or to imagine that Uday or Qusay would have succeeded their father and continued on his path without trouble.

What I want to say is that blaming all of the Islamic world’s problems on external causes shuts our eyes on reality and diverts us from seeing the tragedy that is growing in the depths of Islamic societies.

In reality, the inhumane killings and murders that are going on Iraq, more than being a result of America’s actions and involvement in Iraq, are a revelation of a historical disease among us Muslims, who are unable to reach our goals through ethical and humane means.

This is a real tragedy that threatens the being of us Muslims. How sorrowful is our condition, which seems comical one day and tragic the next.