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Wahre Zionisten müssen gegen die Siedler sein


Ein erhellender Aufsatz des israelischen Intellektuellen Gadi Taub über das Missverständnis, dass Siedlungen im Westjordanland mit den Prinzipien des Zionismus zu vereinbaren seien.

Gadi Taub

Ein Auszug:

But Israel’s friends are not doing it much good by justifying Israel’s settlements in the West Bank. By so doing they are only helping their opponents in identifying Zionism with settlements, and from there the road to delegitimising the right of Jews to self-determination is short: the occupation cannot, and should not, be justified, and if Zionism is equated with it, than Zionism cannot be justified as well.

The equation is, however, false. Because Zionism and settlements are in sharp opposition to each other. From its inception Zionism was not about redeeming land, it was about the right of all peoples to self-determination. It was on the basis of this right that Israel’s Declaration of Independence laid its claim for a Jewish state. It is on the basis of this worldview that the Arab minority within Israel proper received full civil rights, and many other rights as a recognized minority (its own school system, and its own system of courts for religious matters, for example). Israel is not the only country with a minority which conceives itself in national terms, and its solution is not different from that of other national democracies.

This is not true, however, in the territories. And making Israel’s hold on them permanent is one of the gravest dangers to the whole Zionist enterprise….