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Was ist ein moderater Muslim?


Die verhinderten Anschläge haben wieder einmal zu Appellen geführt, die moderaten Muslime sollten sich von radikalen Islamisten distanzieren, mehr noch: Sie sollten diese zur Anzeige bringen.
Das Neue und Erfreuliche: Nicht bloss von Aussen, sondern auch aus den Reihen der Islamverbände kamen solche Forderungen. Es sei „Bürger- und Muslimpflicht“, Extremismus zu melden, sagte Aiman Mazyek vom Zentralrat der Muslime.
Aber was ist eigentlich ein moderater Muslim? Auf Kopftücher, Nikabs, Miswaks und Dschilbabs als Unterscheidungsmittel ist dabei kein Verlass, wie wir seit letzter Woche wissen. Der Dschihad spricht Deutsch, hat lange Haare und hört auf den Namen Fritz, wenn es der Konspiration nützt.
Ich kenne keine bessere Checkliste als die (zu ergänzende) Frageliste von Daniel Pipes:

Useful questions might include:

* Violence: Do you condone or condemn the Palestinians, Chechens, and Kashmiris who give up their lives to kill enemy civilians? Will you condemn by name as terrorist groups such organizations as Abu Sayyaf, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Groupe Islamique Armée, Hamas, Harakat ul-Mujahidin, Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, and al-Qaida?
* Modernity: Should Muslim women have equal rights with men (for example, in inheritance shares or court testimony)? Is jihad, meaning a form of warfare, acceptable in today’s world? Do you accept the validity of other religions? Do Muslims have anything to learn from the West?
* Secularism: Should non-Muslims enjoy completely equal civil rights with Muslims? May Muslims convert to other religions? May Muslim women marry non-Muslim men? Do you accept the laws of a majority non-Muslim government and unreservedly pledge allegiance to that government? Should the state impose religious observance, such as banning food service during Ramadan? When Islamic customs conflict with secular laws (e.g., covering the face for drivers‘ license pictures), which should give way?
* Islamic pluralism: Are Sufis and Shi’ites fully legitimate Muslims? Do you see Muslims who disagree with you as having fallen into unbelief? Is takfir (condemning fellow Muslims with whom one has disagreements as unbelievers) an acceptable practice?
* Self-criticism: Do you accept the legitimacy of scholarly inquiry into the origins of Islam? Who was responsible for the 9/11 suicide hijackings?
* Defense against militant Islam: Do you accept enhanced security measures to fight militant Islam, even if this means extra scrutiny of yourself (for example, at airline security)? Do you agree that institutions accused of funding terrorism should be shut down, or do you see this a symptom of bias?
* Goals in the West: Do you accept that Western countries are majority-Christian and secular or do you seek to transform them into majority-Muslim countries ruled by Islamic law?

Hier auf Deutsch und in anderen Sprachen.