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Was Jordanier wirklich über Ehrenmorde denken


Diesen Kommentar sendet soeben Ellen R. Sheeley, die selbst im letzten Jahr ein Buch über Ehrenmorde in Jordanien veröffentlicht hat:

Sorry, I cannot read all of this blog post, nor am I proficient enough to write a response in German. So please forgive me.

But, since I have worked on dishonor killings in Jordan for years now, I wanted to respond.

I recently conducted a nationwide attitude and opinion survey about these crimes in Jordan. In my representative sample, 89% of the respondents support tougher penalties for these crimes (3.5% are neutral and the rest prefer the status quo). Right now, there are three penal code articles on the books in Jordan that offer such leniency to the perpetrators that the average sentence is just six months (not a typo). So my findings are heartening. . .people do know right from wrong. Now, if only the leadership could summon the courage to act in a manner that is consistent with the wishes of the overwhelming majority rather than pander to the extremists.

It is the case that some perpetrators return to their towns, villages, and homes as heroes, but that is not to imply that all Jordanians view these crimes as in any way honorable.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
„Reclaiming Honor in Jordan“

(Muss ich das übersetzen? J.L.)