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Der iranische Jesus kommt



Ahmad Soleimani, ein iranischer Schauspieler, stellt Jesus in einem Film des iranischen Regisseurs Nader Talebzadeh dar.
AFP berichtet:
„The bulk of „Jesus, the Spirit of God“, which won an award at the 2007 Religion Today Film Festival in Italy, faithfully follows the traditional tale of Jesus as recounted in the New Testament Gospels, a narrative reproduced in the Koran and accepted by Muslims.

But in Talebzadeh’s movie, God saves Jesus, depicted as a fair-complexioned man with long hair and a beard, from crucifixion and takes him straight to heaven.

„It is frankly said in the Koran that the person who was crucified was not Jesus“ but Judas, one of the 12 Apostles and the one the Bible holds betrayed Jesus to the Romans, he said. In his film, it is Judas who is crucified.“

p.s.: So sieht die populäre iranische Vorstellung den verehrten Imam Ali. Wem die Ikongrafie irgendwie bekannt vorkommt, der ist sicher Orientalist.
