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Obama mahnt schwarze Väter


Aus der lockeren Reihe: Warum Obama gut für Amerika (und die Welt) ist:

„In an address that was striking for its bluntness and where he chose to give it, Mr. Obama directly addressed one of the most delicate topics confronting black leaders: how much responsibility absent fathers bear for some of the intractable problems afflicting black Americans. Mr. Obama noted that “more than half of all black children live in single-parent households,” a number that he said had doubled since his own childhood.

“Too many fathers are M.I.A., too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes,” Mr. Obama said to a chorus of approving murmurs from the audience. “They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.”

His themes have also been sounded by the comedian Bill Cosby, who has stirred debate among black Americans by bluntly speaking about an epidemic of fatherlessness in African-American families while suggesting that some blacks use racism as a crutch to explain the lack of economic progress.“

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Man hätte  solche Kritik vor Jahr und Tag konservativ genannt. Ein Thema der ursprünglichen Neocons – besonders von Nathan Glazer – war genau dieses Herunterkommen einer Minderheit in ihrer selbstverschuldeten Viktimisierung.

Nun kommt die Kritik am Zerfall der schwarzen Familie von einem Präsidentschaftsbewerber der Demokraten als Selbstkritik – es gibt eben doch einen moralischen Fortschritt.