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Ein Lehrer an der Front zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft


Ein beeindruckender Bericht in der New York Times über einen Biologielehrer in Florida, der seinen evangelikal-christlichen Schülern die Evolution nahebringt.

Nur so als Erinnerung daran, dass der Kampf um die Aufklärung auch innerhalb des Westens – und nicht nur zwischen uns und dem Islam – tobt:

„But in a nation where evangelical Protestantism and other religious traditions stress a literal reading of the biblical description of God’s individually creating each species, students often arrive at school fearing that evolution, and perhaps science itself, is hostile to their faith.

Some come armed with “Ten questions to ask your biology teacher about evolution,” a document circulated on the Internet that highlights supposed weaknesses in evolutionary theory. Others scrawl their opposition on homework assignments. Many just tune out.

With a mandate to teach evolution but little guidance as to how, science teachers are contriving their own ways to turn a culture war into a lesson plan. How they fare may bear on whether a new generation of Americans embraces scientific evidence alongside religious belief.“ Mehr hier.