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Arabischer Antisemitismus nach Gaza


Wir können uns auf eine neue Runde einstellen. Ausgerechnet in Al-Hayat, der als vergleichsweise liberal geltenden panarabischen Tageszeitung, sind heute diese Worte zu lesen:

„Israel is a Nazi state that has no right to exist.“

Und der Chefredakteur Ghassan Gharbel ergeht sich in folgender Phantasie:

„The beast is insatiable. Corpses intensify its hunger. The beast is unquenchable (sic). The running blood intensifies its thirst. The beast is unsatisfiable. The small corpses supporting the walls incite it to destroy and kill further.

The beast is aroused and troubled. The more it kills, the (more, JL) restless it becomes. It treats its unrest with more causes of unrest. Every crossroads alarms it. Every tree. Every roof. Every window. It smells hostility in eyes, in keffiyehs‘, in signs of victory, in the handkerchiefs of bereaved mothers and the anger of widows. It fears the branch if it stirs and the laundry line if it moves in the crowded camp.

The beast is wounded. It builds a fortress into which fear creeps. The beast is sleepless. It builds a wall that cannot keep the wind out. It kills the father, but the son inherits his keffiyeh.“