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Amerikas ramponierter Ruf – unser aller Schaden


Das Zitat für diese Woche der drei Gipfel kommt von Paul Krugman, dem Nobel-gekrönten Ökonomen. Ich las es eben in Den Haag, wo ich morgen die Afghanistan-Konferenz besuche, mit der die Gipfelwoche beginnt:

„I don’t believe that even America’s economic efforts are adequate, but they’re far more than most other wealthy countries have been willing to undertake. And by rights this week’s G-20 summit ought to be an occasion for Mr. Obama to chide and chivy European leaders, in particular, into pulling their weight.

But these days foreign leaders are in no mood to be lectured by American officials, even when — as in this case — the Americans are right.

The financial crisis has had many costs. And one of those costs is the damage to America’s reputation, an asset we’ve lost just when we, and the world, need it most.“