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Bitte, gebt Pakistan kein Geld mehr!


Dafür plädiert Fatima Bhutto, die Nichte der ermordeten Staatspräsidentin. Fatima Bhutto hat in Amerika studiert und lebt heute wieder in Karatschi. Es ist schon recht pikant, wie sie den Mann ihrer Tante Benazir angreift, der heute das Land regiert: ein Tunichtgut, korrupt, unfähig und bereitwillig, das Land den Taliban auszuliefern.

Fatima Bhutto

Obama – und die gesamte Welt – sollte Pakistan kein Geld mehr geben, schreibt Bhutto. Die horrenden Summen, die seit 2001 an das Land geflossen sind, habe weder Pakistan noch die Welt sicherer gemacht, sondern seien in „tiefen Taschen“ gelandet. Die pakistanische Regierung tue einfach ihren Job nicht: den Menschen Lebenschancen bieten, die Korruption bekämpfen, Wasserversorgung und Müllentsorgung gewärhleisten, die Terroristen bekämpfen:

It may surprise some Americans that even in the midst of this recession, billions of their tax dollars are given directly to the thievery corporation that is Pakistan’s government, never to be seen again. George W. Bush gave Pakistan a whopping $10 billion to fight terror, money that seems to have gone down the drain—or rather, into some pretty deep pockets. And it’s not just the U.S.—last week, international donors from 30 countries met in Tokyo and pledged $5 billion to Pakistan to “fight terror.” The IMF has given the country $7.6 billion in a bailout deal that boggles the mind. Saudi Arabia has generously pledged $700 million over the next four years, and the less-generous European Union an additional $640 million over the same period. And then there’s Obama’s promise of $1.5 billion a year, dependent, the White House says, on results.

It’s phenomenally silly to give that kind of money to a president who, before becoming president, was facing corruption cases in Switzerland, Spain, and England. Zardari and his wife, the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, are estimated to have stolen upwards of $3 billion from the Pakistani Treasury—a figure Zardari doesn’t seem desperate to disprove, he placed his personal assets before becoming president at over $1 billion.

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