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Multikulturalismus marschiert – im Fussball


Die Herald Tribune macht einen guten Punkt zu dem zauberhaften Sieg der deutschen U21 (4:0) über England am letzten Montag (hat meinen Abend gerettet). Der Artikel trägt den gewöhnungsbedürftigen Titel: „Das multikulturelle Deutschland marschiert“.

„Mesut Özil is the team’s most creative player. Sami Khedira wore the captain’s armband. Gonzalo Castro was a key goal scorer. Jerome Boateng, Dennis Aogo, Ashkan Dejagah, Fabian Johnson and Änis Ben-Hatira were all in the squad.

All had a choice: to play for Germany, where most of them were born or learned their soccer, or to represent the lands of their fathers.“

Und sie entschieden sich für Deutschland, zu unserem Nutzen.

Oliver Bierhoff sagt es richtig:

„There will be some who suggest that Germany may simply have hit on a particular group of emerging talents at the one time. Olivier Bierhoff, general manager for Germany’s national teams, thinks it is more significant than that.

‚It goes to show the integrative character of football,‘ Bierhoff said. ‚Its nice to see how these players devote themselves to Germany. The German team should be a home for them.'“