Gaddafi ist nach Gerüchten, die in diesen Minuten auf Al-Jazeera kursieren, auf dem Weg nach Venezuela. Auch wenn das nicht stimmen sollte: einleuchtend ist die Vorstellung schon. Chavez und Gaddafi, das odd couple der Weltpolitik. Die beiden verdienen einander.
Aus dem Grünen Buch die Passage zur Frage, wie man gewaltlos gesellschaftlichen Wandel organisieren kann (während Gaddafis Schergen immer noch scharf schießen):
HOW DOES SOCIETY READJUST ITS DIRECTION IN CASE OF DEVIATION FROM ITS LAW? If an instrument of governing is dictatorial, as in political systems in the world today, the society's vigilance towards deviation from law will have only one way to gain readjustment. That is violence, which means revolu- tion against the instrument of gov- erning. This violence or revolution, even if it is an expression of the feeling of the society against deviation, is not carried out by the whole society. It is undertaken only by those who have the initiative and boldness to proclaim the will of the society. However, this approach is the way to dictatorship, for this revolutionary initiative increases the opportunity for an instrument of governing, representative of the peo- ple, to arise. This means that the instrument of governing is still dictato- rial. Moreover, violence and change by force are themselves undemocratic, [39] although they take place as a result of the existence of a previous undemocra- tic situation. The society that is still entangled around this resultant is a backward society. What, then, is the solution? The solution is for the people to be the instrument of governing from basic popular congresses to the Gener- al People's Congress. The government administration is abolished and re- placed by people's committees. The General People's Congress should be a national congress where basic popular congresses, people's administrative committees, unions, syndicates and all professional associations come together. If a deviation from the socie- ty's law takes place under this system, it should be dealt with through a demo- cratic revision rather than by force. This is not a process of voluntary choice of the method of change or of treatment, rather it is an inevitable result of the nature of such a democra- tic system. In such a case, there is no outside group against which violent action may be directed or which may be held responsible for deviation.