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Traditionelle Muslime, tut endlich was gegen die Extremisten!


Die Anschlagserie in England scheint manche traditionelle Muslime endlich aufzuwecken. Es reicht nicht, einfach immer zu behaupten, Islam und Islamismus hätten nichts miteinander zu tun. Auf Eteraz.org fand ich dieses Plädoyer, das mir sehr einleuchtet:

„Of course, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists, nor are all terrorists Muslim. But we’d be kidding ourselves if we claimed that a disproportionate number of terrorists aren’t Muslim or that the most destructive and deadly terrorist attacks aren’t perpetrated by Muslims fighting under the banner of Islam. Furthermore, terrorism is but an extreme manifestation of a rejectionist mentality that is all too common amongst Muslims.

Though few Muslims attempt to justify terrorist attacks, many steadfastly deny that Muslims were ultimately responsible, attributing them to elaborate conspiracy theories in which the Muslim hijackers/bombers were unwitting pawns in a grand plot directed by America/Israel/India/Freemasons. Even if such views are to be taken at face value, their advocates seem disturbingly unconcerned about the propensity of Muslims to be brainwashed and unwittingly recruited into shadowy non-Muslim conspiracies.

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Even many Muslims who do not share the conspiratorial mindset cannot accept the idea that Islamic extremism is any more prevalent or dangerous than extremist movements in other communities. They illustrate their denial by drawing superficially relevant paralells between al-Qaeda and abortion clinic bombers or the Irish Liberation Army. But such comparisons miss the mark; no other community has extremists that have sought to wage a decentralized war on an entire civilization and indiscriminately turn major urban centers into battlegrounds. (Endlich! JL)

As much as we’d like to believe that terrorist attacks are the work of a tiny minority of locally-oriented fringe extremists, this tiny minority is active and vocal, their ambitions are global, and they don’t seem to be starved for recruits. Their websites are on the Internet for all to see. Their message boards attract posters from around the world who wish destruction on the West and preach hatred of non-Muslims (and Shi’ites). Their rhetoric advocates the imposition of Islamic hegemony through perpetual conflict with „Dar al-Harb“. Who knows how many adherents to such views frequent mainstream masajid; I can remember a few Muslims in the masjid I grew up in who were disturbingly indifferent to the horrors of 9/11. That’s a few too many.“