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Saudi-Arabischer Intellektueller: Unsere Welt ist ein Freilichtmuseum der Grausamkeit


Die palästinensische Spaltung bringt eine Welle massiver arabischer Selbstkritik hervor, die teilweise schon in Selbsthass übergeht. Hier stellvertretend der schön öfter an dieser Stelle präsentierte Turki Al-Hamad, dessen wunderbare Romane einer Jugend in Riad ich übrigens sehr empfehlen kann:

If the situation continues as it is in the Arab region, the day might come when the whole region is transformed into a living museum of history that the rest of the world could visit in tours to see what the world was like when it was drenched in blood and burdened with vendettas and vengeance, all while remaining unconscious and disconnected from the events unfolding in the outside world. It is a place where man has no value for his humanness alone. His worth can only be regarded though additional attributes whether nationalistic, religious, sectarian, or gender based.

What is happening in this region of the world, which belongs to the rest of the world geographically but does not want to belong to it on a mental level or in terms of lifestyle? It is a region that is living in and is governed by the past. The population of this region, or rather this area that is immersed in the past, believe that they are living in the contemporary world. The reality is that they are living a historical legacy full of blood and hatred that controls every inch of their minds. As such, these people have become a burden on a world that lives in the present moment…

Aus: Asharq Alawsat