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Gordon Brown: Ich kann junge Islamisten verstehen


Dem Observer hat Gordon Brown am letzten Sonntag ein Interview über seine jüngsten Pläne für das kommende Jahr gegeben. Darin findet sich ein bemerkenswerte Passage über die Notwendigkeit, „die Herzen und Köpfe“ der Muslime zu gewinnen. Brown hat offenbar das großartige Bekenntnisbuch des Hizb-ut-Tahrir-Aussteigers Ed Husain gelesen.



Brown, who says he is determined that the battle against terrorism should involve a campaign to win the ‚hearts and minds‘ of Muslims, even indicates that he can understand why young people are attracted to Islamism.

Asked about Ed Husain, the young Muslim who wrote a book about how he supported and then abandoned the hardline Hizb ut Tahrir organisation, Brown says: ‚When you read Ed Husain there was a ferment of activity around colleges and around certain mosques and institutions. And it’s hardly surprising that lots of young people are drawn into that, not just because of the excitement, because of the pressures that are upon them.‘

The Prime Minister adds that more needs to be done to persuade Islamists that their image of Britain is distorted: ‚We ought to be … part of that debate. And the more we can have these roadshows that are encouraging the debate and discussion, the better.‘