Darüber schreibt D.B.Shobrawy, ein mutiger junger Blogger ägyptischer Herkunft aus Chicago. Er fragt sich, woher die Wut auf den Film sich speist – nicht nur unter Radikalen, sondern selbst unter seinen moderaten Freunden:
Finally I came to another realization, I asked myself, “what is it specifically that has made people so angry that they want to kill over it?” Is it….
-The original Mohamed cartoon showing Mohamed and a bomb on his head depicted at the beginning and end of the film?
-The listing of verses from the Quran that are seen as shocking from the perspective of non-Muslims?
-Clip’s of Sheikh’s, Imam’s and Jihadist’s dedicating themselves to the murder of Christians, Jew’s and all types of Westerners?
-The implied illusion of a page being torn out of the Quran in the end?
-The comparison of Islamization of Europe to Nazism and communism?
-The request that Islamic ideology be “defeated”?
-Or is it simply that a non-muslim has made a movie critical of Islam?
I’ll assure you that for the wild and ignorant zombie monkey’s that burn embassies, murder clergy and send death threats to anyone within 100 degrees of separation from the movie itself, its the latter. These people are animals, too simple minded to see that their violent response gives credibility to the criticism posed by the movie in the first place. I’ve browsed fellow bloggers who call themselves moderate or even non-practicing Muslims and found much angrier responses to the movie than I would have expected.
Instead of following with a knee jerk reaction or just shouting “islamophob” take the movie for what it is, a fair reflection of how violent, angry and hate filled people have interpreted the Quran and how their perverted interpretations have changed the face of Islam all around the world. How many times have I heard, “these terrorists do not reflect Islam”, “this is not the Islam I know”. By simply condemning the movie because you view it as an attack on Muslims and not an attack on a specific ideological interpretation of Islam, then you have let a great opportunity pass you by. The West fears Islam because there aren’t enough Muslims who are willing to publicly condemn the actions of other Muslims. This has been a pivotal problem in the West’s confrontation with Islam. By staying quiet and being angered by criticism aimed at barbaric animals like those featured in Fitna you allow those animals to represent you and Islam.