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Wie ich ein Muslim wurde


Eine Geschichte aus Kairo, aufgeschrieben von Hugh Miles, der sich unsterblich in eine ägyptische Doktorin verliebt hatte und sie heiraten wollte:

„Suddenly I heard my name called and in a moment I was pushing through the chairs, making my way to the front and taking my place on the couch next to the sheikh. I could feel eyes upon me as the sheikh asked if I knew what the five pillars of Islam were. Behind his glasses I could barely make out his cloudy eyes. When I told him I did, he counted them off for me on his fingers. I realised this was not an exam I was going to fail.

Then he asked why I had come that day to convert in the presence of God. When I explained that I wanted to marry a Muslim woman, his eyebrows arched a little and he looked perturbed. “Is that the only reason? Nothing else?”

“Well, I suppose I don’t really believe in miracles,” I began, groping around for an alternative explanation. “I could never understand how wafers could be turned into the body of Christ.”

“Yes, total madness isn’t it?” the sheikh interrupted, throwing up his hands. “No other reasons? That’s fine then,” he said. “Just repeat after me…” Then he asked me to repeat some verses from the Koran in Arabic and say the shahada, which I managed, more or less. “Congratulations,” said the sheikh briskly. “You are now a Muslim. Hold on a minute and I will fill out your conversion certificate.” The whole process had taken no more than a few minutes.“

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