Man könnte meinen, die Israelis seien unglücklich mit der Situation, dass die Palästinenser angefangen haben, sich untereinander zu bekriegen.
Jedenfalls scheint irgendjemand auf eine geniale Idee verfallen zu sein, wie man sie wieder dazu bringen kann, ihren Hass ordnungsgemäss auf Israel zu richten. Und so wurden denn vor wenigen Tagen unter einem riesigen Polizeiaufgebot Bau- und Grabungsarbeiten am Tempelberg in Angriff genommen.

Der Plan geht auf, schon hat der jordanische König protestiert, Hamas und Fatah haben die Grabungsarbeiten als Provokation verurteilt, der Iranische Revolutionsführer Chamenei hat die Muslime aufgefordert, Jerusalem zu verteidigen, und Jussuf Al-Karadawi, der grosse Tele-Scheich von AL-Dschasira, hat gleich mal eben eine Fatwa herausgegeben. (Volltext hier.)
Therefore, Jerusalem has come to enjoy a special place in the heart of every Muslim in the entire Arab world. The occupation of Jerusalem moves his heart and pains him, out of love, keenness and jealousy over it as well as his concern about it. It is mainly on account of Jerusalem that the Palestinian cause comes first on Muslims‘ list of priorities. It is Jerusalem that Muslims fear for and are keen to preserve, defend and fight for. It is for the sake of Jerusalem that they willingly give their lives and all they hold dear. Jerusalem is the symbol of the cause of Palestine. It is the backbone and the very core of the problem. True are the words of the poet who once said,
Palestine is meaningless with no Aqsa or Jerusalem.
Without Jerusalem, it is like a body with no head.
Jerusalem is not for the Palestinians only, but for all Muslims, be they Arabs or not. It is a city for all Arabs, be they Muslims or Christians. Therefore it is incumbent on Muslims, wherever they may be, to shoulder their responsibility of defending Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is an obligation for them all. They are to jointly defend it, offering in the process their lives, their money and all they possess, or else they will be subject to Allah’s punishment, for Allah says: (O ye who believe what is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter ) (At-Tawbah 9:38).
Das letzte Wort zu diesem Irrsinn hat Ari Sarid in der israelischen Tageszeitung Ha’aretz vom 6.2.2007:
Were I to believe that this lame government were capable of conspiring, I would say the Israeli excavations show that Israel doesn’t stand aloof when Palestinian blood is spilled like water. After all, the Palestinians will now put an end to their violent internecine clashes and turn their anger – and perhaps also their arms – toward Israel.
Na, toll! Das Rennen ist eröffnet. Wer wird sich als erster in die Luft sprengen?