Huda Al Husseini, die prominente libanesische Kolumnistin, analysiert die Spaltung in der Hamas, die sich nach dem Gaza-Krieg auftut.
Sie setzt damit die extrem Hamas-kritische Berichterstattung der saudischen Tageszeitung Asharq Alawsat fort.
Al Hussein bezieht sich auf denselben Auftritt des Hamas-Politbürochefs Khaled Meschal beim Treffen arabischer Staaten in Doha, den ich hier vor einigen Tagen kommentiert habe.
(Zu den konkurrierenden Krisen-Gipfeln in der arabischen Welt und was sie über die Spaltung des arabischen Lagers aussagen, mehr bei Marc Lynch.)
In his speech broadcast on Saturday evening on Syrian state television, Khalid Mishal, the political leader of the Hamas movement, said that the [military] campaign against Gaza has dashed any hopes for peace. Yet many others say that the Hamas movement – along with the Hamas leadership itself that admits its rejection of the peace process – has played a key role in destroying any hopes for peace when it began suicide operations in April 1994. These operations were one of the main reasons behind the construction of the Israeli security wall [surrounding Gaza].
Mishal’s televised speech emulated [speeches delivered by] the leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Yet on Tuesday evening, through his sermon, Ismail Haniyeh appeared to be attempting to pull the rug from under Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi. In the middle of this sermon Haniyeh expressed his readiness to accept a ceasefire, [a position] contradicting Mishal who said that even though he was pained by the deaths of innocent civilians, conflict requires sacrifice.

Huda Al Husseini
Haniyeh’s speech revealed that there is a split within the Hamas leadership; this division began when Hamas sent two delegations [one representing the leadership in Damascus, another representing the Gazan leadership] to Cairo on Sunday, and sharp differences in their positions emerged. The head of the Egyptian intelligence service General Omar Suleiman revealed that conditions for a ceasefire agreement include the establishment of a system to prevent weapons and missiles from being smuggled into Gaza through the tunnels, and Hamas conducting political negotiation with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. Weiter„Die Spaltung der Hamas“