
Wie man eine iranische Prostituierte erkennt

Der ehemalige Teheraner Polizeichef Reza Zarei hat im Gefängnis einen Selbstmordversuch unternommen. (So wird es jedenfalls gemeldet.) Zarei war vor einem Monat mit 6 (!) nackten Frauen zusammen erwischt worden. Besonders pikant daran: Der Mann, der hier die Dienste von Prostituierten in Anspruch nahm, war verantwortlich für die Tugendterror-Kampagne unter dem Präsidenten Machmud Achmadinedschad im letzten Jahr, über die ich verschiedentlich berichtet habe.
Diese unglaubliche Geschichte – sie erinnert ein wenig an die republikanischen Politiker in Amerika, die als schwul geoutet wurden oder außereheliche Affären einräumen mußten – wirft eine kniffelige Frage auf, die spezifisch iranisch ist: Wie erkennt man eigentlich in einem Land mit Zwangsverschleierung eine Prostituierte?
Die Antwort liefert freundlicherweise ein Artikel in Slate: Die meisten Prostituierten finden sich in Ghom, der theologischen Hauptstadt Irans mit ihren vielen Seminaren und Moscheen. Das Publikum besteht in starkem Maß aus Pilgern und den Theologie-Studenten der dortigen Seminare. Man erkennt die Frauen daran, daß sie sich an bestimmten Orten aufhalten. Zuhälter ermöglichen es, trotz Schleiergebot einen Blick auf die Frau werfen zu können. Zwar sind die Strafen für Prostitution hoch – von Peitschenhieben bis zur Exekution. Doch es gibt auch ein theologisches Konstrukt – die Ehe auf Zeit, genannt Sigheh (kann auch für eine halbe Stunde eingegangen werden) – , das die Prostitution (schiitisch-)islamisch korrekt absegnet. Viele der jungen Frauen sind Junkies und Ausreißerinnen, die am Ende eines verzweifelten Weges in der Prostituion landen.


Die iranische Blog-Welt lebt

In Harvard haben sich Forscher daran gemacht, eine Karte der äußerst lebendigen iranischen Blogosphäre zu erstellen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Iran unter allen islamisch geprägten Ländern des Nahen Ostens eine einzigartige digitale Debattenkultur besitzt, in der Reformer mit Konservativen die Klingen kreuzen.


Aus der Zusammenfassung der Forscher:

„In contrast to the conventional wisdom that Iranian bloggers are mainly young democrats critical of the regime, we found a wide range of opinions representing religious conservative points of view as well as secular and reform-minded ones, and topics ranging from politics and human rights to poetry, religion, and pop culture. Our research indicates that the Persian blogosphere is indeed a large discussion space of approximately 60,000 routinely updated blogs featuring a rich and varied mix of bloggers. Social network analysis reveals the Iranian blogosphere to be dominated by four major network formations, or poles, with identifiable sub-clusters of bloggers within those poles. We label the poles as 1) Secular/Reformist, 2) Conservative/Religious, 3) Persian Poetry and Literature, and 4) Mixed Networks. (Click here for the map image.) The secular/reformist pole contains both expatriates and Iranians involved in a dialog about Iranian politics, among many other issues. The conservative/religious pole contains three distinct sub-clusters, two focused principally on religious issues and one on politics and current affairs. Given the repressive political and media environment, and high profile arrests and harassment of bloggers, one might not expect to find much political contestation in the blogosphere. However, we identified a subset of the secular/reformist pole focused intently on politics and current affairs and comprised mainly of bloggers living inside Iran, which is linked in contentious dialog with the conservative political sub-cluster. Surprisingly, a minority of bloggers in the secular/reformist pole appear to blog anonymously, even in the more politically-oriented part of it; instead, it is more common for bloggers in the religious/conservative pole to blog anonymously. Blocking of blogs by the government is less pervasive than we had assumed. Most of the blogosphere network is visible inside Iran, although the most frequently blocked blogs are clearly those in the secular/reformist pole.“

Ein Bericht der New York Times findet sich  hier. Und hier die Website der Forscher mit den detaillierten Ergebnissen.


Iran trainiert Hamas-Kämpfer

Dies enthüllt ein Bericht der Londoner Times vom Wochenende, in dem sich ein Hamas-Kommandant so zitieren läßt:

Speaking on the record but withholding his identity as a target of Israeli forces, the commander, who has a sparse moustache and oiled black hair, said Hamas had been sending fighters to Iran for training in both field tactics and weapons technology since Israeli troops pulled out of the Gaza strip of Palestinian territory in 2005. Others go to Syria for more basic training.

“We have sent seven ‘courses’ of our fighters to Iran,” he said. “During each course, the group receives training that he will use to increase our capacity to fight.”

The most promising members of each group stay longer for an advanced course and return as trainers themselves, he said.

So far, 150 members of Qassam have passed through training in Tehran, where they study for between 45 days and six months at a closed military base under the command of the elite Revolutionary Guard force.

Die schiitische Republik Iran hat mit ihrer Unterstützung von Hisbollah und Hamas den arabischen Regimen de facto die Souveränität aus der Hand genommen, über Krieg und Frieden mit Israel zu entscheiden. Ein größerer strategischer Wandel im Nahen Osten.


Ehrenmorde im Iran: Mildernde Umstände für Mörder

Die iranische Feministin Mehrangiz Kar schreibt über die Ehrenmorde im Iran:

„Honor killings are as old as paternalistic cultures. What makes honor killings interesting ‎in majority Muslim societies is that, in these societies, the legislator defends the murderer ‎who commits an honor killing against a woman, citing mandates set by the Sharia and ‎Islamic law. ‎

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to addendum 2 to article 295 and article 226 of ‎the Islamic penal code, if someone murders another on the assumption that the victim ‎was “vajeb al-ghatl” [literally, „necessary to be killed“ ], he will not be tried for first-‎degree murder. Based on these laws, judges convict murderers who have committed ‎honor killings on the assumption that the murdered woman has committed adultery not to ‎death or life imprisonment, but rather to pay the “dia” [blood money ]. As such, legal ‎incentives, protected by judges in the area of implementation, are given to men who are ‎accused of killing women. This must be noted as the most important factor behind the ‎rise in the number of honor killings in Iran. „
Mehr hier.


Führender Neocon: Amerika muss mit Iran sprechen!

Etwas dreht sich: Reuel Marc Gerecht, der wichtigste Iran-Spezialist der Neocons, rät der amerikanischen Regierung zu sofortigen, bedingungslosen Gesprächen mit Iran.
Sein Kalkül: Dies würde die Mullahs in Erklärungsnot bringen und Amerika den moral high ground sichern, der auch für eine eventuelle Militäraktion gegen das Atomprogramm notwendig wäre.

Reuel Marc Gerecht Foto: AEI

„When dealing with the mullahs, it is always wise to follow the lead of one of Iran’s most audacious clerical dissidents, former Interior Minister Abdallah Nuri. In 1999, he mocked the regime for its organic fear of the United States. Is the revolution’s Islam so weak, he said, that it cannot sustain the restoration of relations with the United States?

It would be riveting in Tehran — and millions of Iranians would watch on satellite TV — if Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice challenged the regime in this way: Islam is a great faith; the United States has relations with all Muslim nations except the Islamic Republic; we have diplomatic relations with Hugo Chávez and American diplomats in Havana. Why does the Islamic Republic fear us so? Is the regime so fragile? President Khatami repeatedly said that he wanted a “dialogue of civilizations.” The United States should finally say, “O.K., let’s start.”

If the Bush administration were to use this sort of diplomatic jujitsu on the ruling clerics, it could convulse their world. No, this is absolutely no guarantee that Tehran will stop, or even suspend, uranium enrichment. But a new approach would certainly put the United States on offense and Iran on defense. We would, at least, have the unquestioned moral and political high ground. And from there, it would be a lot easier for the next administration, if it must, to stop militarily the mullahs’ quest for the bomb.“
Der ganze Text hier.


Iranischer Rock: Kiosk

Ein schöner Song und ein Klasse-Video der iranischen Rockband Kiosk, die leider heute von Kalifornien aus wirken muss. Wer den unten stehenden Text in der ungefähren englischen Übersetzung liest, weiß auch gleich warum. (Hier ein Bericht der FAZ.)

The power of love or love of power
Modernism versus tradition forever

Living in the evil axis
Speed freaks in jalopy taxis

Why feel any pain and suffer
When pills and powders‘ all on offer

Nothing for lunch or dinner to make
Then let them eat Yellow Cake

Multiple choice elections left to chance
Holy matrimony by loan and finance

Scraped up the very last dime
Sent it straight to Palestine

Guaranteed success or money back
Underground music or cultural attack

No need for cardiologists
Just facelifts by cosmetologists

Immoral zealots, fanatic factions
Chinese-style economic expansions

Religious democratic droppings
Pizza with Ghormeh Sabzi toppings


Barefoot children on the street
Chelo Kebab all you can eat

Smuggling women to Dubai
Our noble men turning a blind eye

Blood transfusion with an H.I.V flavor
Bird Flu virus or the new life saver

Cholera hits and one takes a bow
Another man dies from Mad Cow

Foreign currencies are reserved
Border movements all observed

Tried everything in our ability
Still no financial credibility

Oil dependant economy is hooked
Incentive vacations overbooked

Philosophical cinema in fusion
Cross-over musical confusion

Clandestine lovers and attractions
Chinese-style economic expansions

Religious democratic droppings
Pizza with Ghormeh Sabzi toppings


Meat stew served in posh cafes over artistic rants
Meditation classes just to get into each others pants

Break your fast, charity food served up
Zereshk Polo with ketchup

Life in virtual reality
Amusement park University

Our national soccer heroes
Can’t kick their over-inflated egos

Counterfeit medication
Addiction as a recreation

A nation dressed up in fashion
Artificial industrial passion

Long distance system of education
Sell questions of entrance examination

Interest rates or finance charge
By choice or force but by and large

Immoral zealots, fanatic factions
Chinese-style economic expansions

Religious democratic droppings
Pizza with Ghormeh Sabzi toppings


Der iranische Jesus kommt


Ahmad Soleimani, ein iranischer Schauspieler, stellt Jesus in einem Film des iranischen Regisseurs Nader Talebzadeh dar.
AFP berichtet:
„The bulk of „Jesus, the Spirit of God“, which won an award at the 2007 Religion Today Film Festival in Italy, faithfully follows the traditional tale of Jesus as recounted in the New Testament Gospels, a narrative reproduced in the Koran and accepted by Muslims.

But in Talebzadeh’s movie, God saves Jesus, depicted as a fair-complexioned man with long hair and a beard, from crucifixion and takes him straight to heaven.

„It is frankly said in the Koran that the person who was crucified was not Jesus“ but Judas, one of the 12 Apostles and the one the Bible holds betrayed Jesus to the Romans, he said. In his film, it is Judas who is crucified.“

p.s.: So sieht die populäre iranische Vorstellung den verehrten Imam Ali. Wem die Ikongrafie irgendwie bekannt vorkommt, der ist sicher Orientalist.
