
Der elektronische Mufti kommt

Kein Witz:Ein Team von Forschern in Frankreich ist nach Informationen der panarabischen Tageszeitung Asharq Alawsat dabei, einen Fatwa-Automaten zu konstruieren, der durch künstliche Intelligenz religiöse Gutachten zu jedem beliebigen Thema erstellt.
Keine Hymen-Fatwas, keine Kamel-Fatwas, keine Still-Fatwas mehr? Oder vielleicht noch mehr vom gleichen halbgescheiten Zeug, wie es die ehrenwerte Al-Azhar in letzter Zeit immer wieder publiziert?
Der ernste Hintergrund dieser kuriosen Geschichte: Die Erosion der religiösen Autoritäten im sunnitischen Mainstream-Islam setzt sich rasend fort. Sonst könnte niemand auf eine so schrille Idee kommen:

„The device deduces the expected response through consulting thousands of examples that have been uploaded on to the machine, pertaining to that person whilst taking into account their reactions so that it may relate the expected response in accordance with their personality as created by the Artificial Intelligence apparatus,“ explained Dr. Fawzi.


Iranischer Jude wird Bürgermeister von Beverly Hills

Jimmy Jamshid Delshad, ein persischstämmiger Jude, ist der neue Bürgermeister von Beverley Hills.
Hier sieht man den „Persianator“ mit dem österreichischstämmigen „Governator“.

Ein Interview aus der immer wieder witzigen jüdischen Zeitschrift Jewcy

„What was it like for you, being here, during the 1979 revolution in Iran?

It was very tough because I was looked down on. It didn’t matter if I was a Jew or a Muslim — they looked at me only as a Persian. I wore an American flag pin for years so everyone would see that I was proud to be an American. I shaved my moustache and my beard, so I won’t look like some of them. I wanted people to feel comfortable knowing me. My first name was Jamshid in Farsi, so I added Jimmy. So they’d be more friendly. It was very difficult for a long time.

Would you go back to Iran?

Not to stay. I tried to go back for a visit to take my wife and kids, but I lived in Israel when I was 16, so it was very difficult to go back to Iran because that hatred for Israel remains. If the regime changes, I would be happy to go back and visit. I would love to.

There’s talk now that maybe the U.S. will bomb Iran. What do you think?

I’m not in favor of another war. I don’t think it’s good for America or Iran. But I think the situation can be handled through moratoriums and divestments from Iran’s businesses. I proposed divestment of all of our money from any companies that invest in Iran — European or anything — that are in the nuclear sector. And that proposal was passed by state of California, by the senate and the assembly; the governor signed it. I was the only mayor who promoted that.“

Amerika. Großartig. Ich liebe es. God bless.


Der Schah und die jüdische Lobby

Den persischen Antisemitismus haben nicht die Mullahs erfunden, wie dieses Interview mit dem Schah von 1974 zeigt. Sie haben ihn nur religiös aufgeladen. Interessant auch seine Äusserungen zur Folter, die wiederum sehr an die amerikanischen Debatten der letzten Jahre über moderne Methoden der Informationsgewinnung erinnern.


Nasrallah – jetzt als Kiosk

Esra aus Bahrain schreibt auf Mideastyouth über einen neuen Kiosk (Coldstore) in seiner Nachbarschaft, der den Namen des Hisbollahführers Hassan Nasrallah trägt (wahrscheinlich, weil der Besitzer den Mann verehrt):


„Nasralla coldstore, folks! Free home delivery! Grenades! Israel! Lebanon! Fat people in capes!

They have the cheapest galaxy bars, but everything in there conjures up images of dead people being blown up for no apparent reason. Don’t turn this post into a political debate of Israel vs. Lebanon vs. your mom or whomever. I’m posting this here because I don’t understand why he’s being treated like a prophet – people still have his pictures hanging out of their windows and cars. You can’t make a joke about him without people biting your head off, as if you insulted the Prophet Mohammed or something to that effect. Now I have to suffer a coldstore bearing his name next to my house. Urgh.“

Da tun sich gewaltige Geschäftsmöglichkeiten auf. Ein Hisbollah-Parfüm hat es auch schon gegeben.


Sarkozys Sohn: ein Gangsterrapper?

Französische und britische Medien berichten, der Sohn des Präsidenten schreibe „Anti-Sarko Rap-Songs“ für „einige der Hardcore-Rapper Frankreichs“. Er firmiert angeblich unter den Namen „Crime Chantilly“ oder „Mosey“.
Und dies ist der junge Mann, Pierre Sarkozy. Sein Vater wollte einst die Ghettos „auskärchern“. Der Sohn schreibt den Soundtrack für die Ghettobewohner?

Aus dem Blog der New York Times:
According to a number of media reports, Mr. Sarkozy’s 23-year-old son Pierre has been quietly producing and writing music for several rappers who strongly oppose the president and have openly declared their hatred of him. One of those artists, a minor rapper using the stage name Poison, took part in an anti-Sarkozy video last year with other rappers, in which he boasted: “Anti-Sarko, anti-right, Nicolas don’t you hear. We’re anti-you.”

Pierre Sarkozy — the oldest of Mr. Sarkozy’s three sons — has long been rumored to be involved in the music industry under an alias. Last year it was widely reported that he had agreed to stop wearing dreadlocks at the request of his father’s campaign.

But his apparent ties to anti-Sarkozy rappers have only recently come to light. According to the French daily newspaper Libération, several months ago a rapper said on stage at a small Paris venue that “Sarko’s son is trying to give us his products under the name Crime Chantilly.” The name is apparently a play on the term Crème Chantilly, as whipped cream is known in French.

Then on Monday, several news outlets — including Reuters, Libération and the Guardian of Britain — reported that the rapper Poison had said in an interview with a hip-hop radio station that Pierre Sarkozy was using the stage name Mosey, and had written a song for Poison’s upcoming album.

“I’m not a Sarkozy guy,” Poison was quoted as saying, adding a couple of expletives. “I didn’t know at the start that it was the son of Sarko. When I found out, I blew a fuse and phoned him. He said ‘Yeah, but Poison, I didn’t want to tell you because you wouldn’t want to hang out with me no more.’ I told him, hey, no problem. You never done me wrong.”

Whether Mosey and Pierre Sarkozy truly are one and the same is not entirely clear, as neither Mr. Sarkozy nor his son has confirmed or denied the rumors. A page on Myspace.com for the producer Mosey displays a photograph of a young man who bears a resemblance to Pierre, who can be seen in photographs with his family in various places on the Web.

If Pierre Sarkozy is indeed producing music for some of the more hardcore rappers in France, it may not sit too well with his father. During a two-year stint as interior minister that began in 2002, the elder Mr. Sarkozy introduced a law that made insulting a police officer a crime, and sparked controversy when he ordered the prosecution of several rappers who he said had incited violence against the police with their lyrics. Mr. Sarkozy was also criticized for saying at one point that he would wage a campaign against youths whom he characterized as “voyous” and “racaille,” terms that can be translated into English as scum or riff-raff.